For the record. Donald Trump has never been bankrupt. If you don't know how to become a billionaire by bankrupting companies then you don't have a place commenting on it.
Trump has never been bankrupt, the Caucus doesn't mean shit because only two presidents have ever won the Iowa caucuses. Just those two mainly. I'm really stressed about thus election and I just don't want to deal with it here. Lol. I love Steve but I think he's playing with fire starting this conversation
Which candidate supports cameras at the sexy pool, saving chairs with t-shirts, damp rooms, and skinny dipping in the sports pool after Patty-o's? Lol
I think this election could be one of the most critical in our history. We are just completing what will be 16 years of what may arguably be the two worst two term presidents in US history. We really have to get it right this time and I don't know if we are capable with a media that is incredibly biased and an internet that is so filled with misinformation that it is frightening. It should be interesting and frightening at the same time.
LOL, ALL politics are screwed but even us Canadians were wondering about a 74 year old! Obuma has aged about 30 years in the last 7, so at 74 either the stress kills you or you're just oblivious But to whom ever said your US$ won't be worth the paper it's printed on, thanks that means more Canadians at TTR
I truly feel for all of our American friends. I hate to be a pessimist, but it seems like every four years you are bombarded by the same old rhetoric. It is as if every politician about to run for office is handed a dusty old handbook entitled, "Old Political Standbys" and hits the campaign trail spewing about "campaign finance reform", jobs, energy independence, the erosion of the middle class, and the dwindling "American Dream". They've talked about this stuff every election as long as I can remember, and I am old enough to remember quite a few. When the election is over, they put the handbook away to collect more dust, never giving it's contents another thought until it becomes relevant again four years later. Don't get me wrong, Canadian politicians are playing from the same sheet music. They talk about change knowing very well the machines of government don't count change as their strong suit. With three Federal governing bodies that rarely can agree on anything, the prospect of real change seems remote, no matter who holds office. I feel your frustration!
If the Donald will show up with Melania, he's got my vote Melania Trump: 22 Hottest Photos Of Trump’s Wife
Maybe not him personally, but several companies he owned. He's obviously careful to avoid any damage to his own wealth while not giving a toss about the misery he causes for others as businesses crumble due to debts that cannot be recovered and jobs are lost. Never said it did, just that it is farcical when results are decided on a coin toss, no less than 6 of them, and all won by the same person - odds of 64-1 Trump's hissy fit (he clearly expected to win) just added to the hilarity.
It's all legal and every major corporation has done it to one subsidiary or another. It's more profitable to bankrupt a company that you own over the course of the next year by tripling its rent to your parent company, and over paying corporate salaries etc til it's bled dry than it is to sell it or liquidate it and pay all the associated taxes. The employee are usually relocated or offered handsome severance packages