Oh I didn't realize you have not been there yet, so I should have been more straightforward There are two free porn channels that play 24 hours a day. They used to be #'s 12 and 14, but since it is some type of closed circuit broadcast in the hotel, the actual numbers changed at some point last year. You won't be able to miss them if you flip through the channels, because there isn't much else to watch if you are ever super hung-over and need a break. One of the channels is in English and the other is in Spanish, but once they get going it all sounds the same "Yes Yes Yes" "Si Si Si". The programming changes often from low quality 90s stuff to more high-end modern movies. There must be some type of rotation cause I feel there are days when it changes between couples, group, lesbian, and fetish, soft core, and hardcore. Often on the English one you will find shows from the Playboy TV that are like the real world, but the premise is everyone just meets for the weekend in some nice house and they have dates and show the sex. Wow I just realized I probably know more about this then I should probably admit...I do have a wife, she just sleeps sometimes . But I bet it isn't just me cause I had a buddy and we went to grab something from his room and he just immediately turned it on and said. "If I am the room I just have to turn it on because for one it's free, and second I just want to know what's been happening."
That is fantastic and YES you do know a lot about it LOL glad you put the part about your wife in there HAHA was starting to wonder lol
I like the excitement about the unknown. You really can't predict what might happen on any given day. You could have your wildest fantasy met or be woken up naked on the beach by a security guard. You just never know what the day/night holds. Invigorating!
It gets really bad when you have already memorized the shows and know what scene is coming up next.....
Hahaha ok I am not there yet, so there is hope for me! I don't think I have gotten to the point where I have seen something twice. But then again I have a hard time remembering what goes down year to year, trip to trip, day to day. I just know I was having a great time.
Love the simple fact they stock 2 cokes, 2 cans of beer and 2 large water bottles in your fridge, EVERYDAY.
Thursday afternoon Foam party at the sport pool when the COCO BANGO dancers & DJ do the entertainment and give al the freebies. Like watching sharks diving everywhere in the foam to grab something ;-) and sometime they get more than they bargain for, LOL