No worries for us, we'll still do an October trip even if construction hits. But it'll be Desire and not a boring vanilla resort!
I thought about what I wrote as I was falling asleep last night....that vanilla resort is only if TTR is shut down completely and we would likely spend a few days experiencing Desire. We would still go to TTR if just a block/restaurant/section is being worked on. They are selling rooms so I reall can't see it being shut down completely. As long as the sexy pool is open, they have drinks and topless ladies then I'm there Nikki
We just booked another trip again October 19th to 29th through was less then the Temptation site.and little less then our April trip booking -)
Hey guys! Your dates are going to likely fit better with these guys: Most if not all of Octoberbreast will be gone around October 12. Nikki
You can do it Jenn! You guys are troopers! Who needs rest & sleep in October? It won't be Octoberbreast without Jenn's boobie bounce! Nikki
Ok so I just did major castch up. Mike and I are hoping to come this year again. We are not sure if we will arive on the 30th of September or the 1st of October. We are stuck in a waiting to love the work drama that puts everything on hold..ugg...thank goodness I hopped on the site this morning before work, because it totally made all that other crap go away. Miss you all like crazy. Here is to fingers crossed for us this October. Everyone have a fantastic weekend.