If you're Canadian, even buying a membership is a killer. Also, lets not forget that most are making a monthly payment on that "membership". That on top of paying again when you stay. Not much of a deal.
Is it our exchange rate only or is it that coupled with the price increase? Is the Oasis Sens a viable option to get topless, plus sun, sand and all inclusive drinks and meals? SW&TW
We have been going the end of February or in the first couple weeks of March and when some people we have meet in pass booked their trip it was sold out So I started looking and found week of April 9th to 16th was the best rate 2,498.00 us for everything I watch prices on Apple Vacations to see if I could have saved money and it has been going up and up
we're fortunate that even though the room rate is $50 more per night than we paid last October, it's still cheaper for 9 days than a week in our favorite city Chicago.
We can still stay at TTR cheaper than we can stay at home if we shop it. Of course, we don't have to deal with any exchange rate.
the fact is that our Canadian friends re getting killed with the exchange rates. ' TTR bases their rats on the American dollar...not sure why, but every one but americans has seen a price increase, We have gotten a good deal booking for this April.