51 deposits received so far, we're confirmed to go ahead. Plenty more room tylerandkelly (2) funFoss (2) SATO (2) Beauty and The Beard (2) NJB425 (1) Aussie D&S (2) Spanishcpl (2) Tanya&Allen (2) kennyandtammy (2) casper_z_ventura (4) naughtynaci (2) StaceyT (2) Jack & LaVonne (4) MarkandChantelle (2) Keith-n-Laura (4) BRADTALLCOOL1 (1) Goodtimes01 (2) Feetdown (2) NandGH (2) Queenykrissy (2) kcamles (2) Glen Thomas (2) Hotnfitcouple (2)
What numbers are we looking at for the 18th Steve? Also, how many do we need to get the big boat out? Cheers
I update the attendance list every time someone new signs up. Currently at 50, I'd guess we'll have around 60 on the day if the weather is good. So wont be the bigger boat for this trip.