It may sound stupid to a lot of you, " feel free to tell me" but I once went to a who did it party! It's kinda like a real life game of clue, but dressed in sexy attire. I just know This is gonna be not taken seriously. But I just wanted to throw it in incase anyone might be interested
we went one of these party's on the large scale and it was fun if you were one of the characters and we were but friends of ours who went and did not get a pre assigned part said it was fun to watch! but would have been more fun if they were part of it! WE loved it!! so advise is to get a roll if you can! a spin off of that would be clue theme I love that game and would love to use my miss white little French maid costume :xyxthumbs:
Problem is, everyone is going to want to be the Inspector, and get to "interrogate" all the female characters, especially French maids! LOL
Problem is a little after lunchtime I have no clue. Instead of who did it I'm more like who gives a s**t! After dinner forget about it, couldn't answer questions about my damn self lol
Every year I say I'm gonna pace myself lol. Usually by 10 I have blurred vision, walking like a zombie and a cigar burn hole in my shirt. What a place!!
Sometimes a little afternoon delight followed by a small nap is just the ticket. I know it's hard to pull yourself away from the action at the sexy pool. We'll pull away some days about 4 head back to the room for the alone time have dinner around 7ish or so and then off to catch the show or to Paty O's for a quiet drink before all the fun starts.