Is there early information yet on the 6th annual NOLA reunion and Wishes, Wonders, and Whodats? Would like to carve out calendar space as early as possible. Also, does anyone know where all the pictures from last year are posted (the 5th annual, monster theme)?? I checked the Facebook and Flickr sites but they only have 2014, nothing from 2015. Can't wait for another great time!
Dates will be September 9-11th. Be sure to stay till Monday as there is lots of fun times after the events. Go to Wishes Wonders and Whodats Facebook page to see many of the photos and to stay up on the upcoming events. See you there!!!
We definitely need to get going with the communication for www16. I believe that Rock Star is our theme, and that we expect to be holding the events at the Hotel Monteleone again this year. There were around 200 at the event last year, and I personally know of several more that will be joining us this year. This event is incredibly rewarding and an absolute blast, and there is no reason that we cannot grow the weekend to 500 within a year of so. We raised $102K for Make-A-Wish in 2015 with the smaller group, so imagine what we could do with 500 of us working towards the common cause. Tim/Hope (Bourbon Life) are definitely right about the event being on the weekend of September 9-11th.