Normally we take U.S. $$$ but with the exchange being so bad I'm thinking Canadian will be the way to go. Anyone at Temp now that can post what the U.S. and Canadian exchange rate is?
I know that but if the exchange is decent at the hotel I don't have to bother going to the bank to order it in
I just converted some CAD to PESO in one of the foreign exchange store (not any bank) here in Toronto on Dec 30th, 2015 and got a rate of 1 CAD = 11.6 Peso. Not sure if its a good/bad rate though. They only gave me 100 Peso notes and did not have lower bills (i.e 20 peso, 50 peso). Where can i get smaller Peso bills in Cancun? (airport or resort)?
I do remember seeing that us exchange rate posted at the front desk and it was very good Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk
When we were down in December the exchange rate at the front desk was surprisingly good. I can't remember the exact rate, but the exchange rate dollar to peso has gotten even better since then. At the time it was far better than I had imagined from any hotel front desk, and not far off the price of the little street side bank windows. It was close enough I didn't bother putting on any decent clothes to walk down the street a bit. However, if you really want to squeeze a few extra pesos out of the exchange there is a small bank window that gives a slightly better rate a couple hundred yards or so back towards the east. (Towards the big hotel zone) If you venture down to the hotel zone you'll find plenty of options and you can really price shop then. SIDE NOTE.... I just checked the official exchange rate and it is listed at 17.2 pesos to the dollar. This is the best I have ever seen it in two decades of Mexican adventures. You can expect the street cambio bank vendors and the front desk to be slightly less, but not far off. They must work on a small percentage, but not much usually.
If I remember correctly last May the front desk offered around 12 +/- Pesos to the CDN $ and just over 14 Pesos to the USD $ So I think your rate of 11.6 is quite good or my memory stinks, lol. We looked at getting Pesos then and the rate sucked here in Canada so we were surprised at the rate at the resort.
Exchange rates Buying from resort hotels is always more expensive then you own bank. All banks will exchange Canadian for Pesos. I go 2 weeks before going and order US and Pesos and they have exactly what I request. I just pay the exchange rate on the day I pick up. I know you have been there 3 times before and you probably know to bring US $1.00 bills for tipping around the resort. See you there very soon! :flagcanada:
in October I called my bank (rhymes with Mace, Lace, Disgrace) of 30 years and was told there was no fee to exchange to Pecos. Thought it was great, but they gave us an exchange rate that was 17% worse than the posted exchange rate that day, so make sure you ask your bank what rate they are using and know what the current rate is when you go in. I don't consider a 17% slam on exchange rate to be "fee free". We got better exchange rates from the cabbies in Cancun.