They will be recurring for the month. Unconfirmed , but there is usually another closed group at the end of the month that do their own themes.Maybe someone from that group can put a link to their theme nights or a copy. If you are coming with a group and would like to add your own theme night, let me know I will add it to the list. ( as a theme or sub note ) Last year the resort changed their theme nights, so sometimes we have to change the days around , but the themes will stay the same. This last Halloween there was massive participation , which made the whole week a blast and fun , and lots of great photo opps .
Paula wants to do body painting one night. She has never done it in Cancun and thought it would be fun if we got a group to do this one night. Maybe her birthday night. Anyone else interested?
I heard they have someone that does it at the resort but it takes a long time to do one person a few people did it at Halloween takes over an hour to do one person Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk