I seem to pack more each time we go!! I figure I can get away with it tho, since everything is so tiny! And whenever I get a little nervous, I just keep telling myself, nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit!
Totally understand what you mean. More outfits, but surprisingly less room. The outfits keep getting smaller, and I have cut down on bikini tops. I bring one, but hardly use it.
It is and I am the enforcer. That's how I got my title. LOL Four things Blondie does not bring to TTR: 1) Panties; 2) Bras, not even for the flights; 3) bikini tops, maybe one for the Boobs Cruise flag and 4) bikini bottoms, just G-strings only. It really does simplify things.
And make sure you party as close to naked as you can get away with :lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs::flash::flash:
Just make sure your significant other is between you and security. Then you can be naked, and they can't see
We barely saw any security this past trip at Paty'Os. And believe me, there was a lot of crazy fun stuff happening.