It really depends on the night and if security is even there. We've seen a huge brawl a few years took security maybe 3-5 minutes to even get there. One year I was busted for some nipple jewelry I was wearing..........the next year I wore the same "jewelry" and security either never noticed..... .......or I was good to go. Just a suggestion.......bit I'd push it..........if you really want to be bare. Have an option if security wants you to change. One thing I can assure you is that security will not embarrass fact they are most always very kind in their "request" that you cover a bit. Just FYI.........ladies can get by at the pools daytime wearing dental floss! At Patty O's you pretty much have to have your bits covered. Another thought is to walk the beach just a bit.......but only if in a group. You'll quickly find a place where you can participate in just about any activity you can imagine! Stay in a group!
How is security with guys? My wife and I just booked our honeymoon and my boxer briefs for lingerie night can be a bit see through (white ) or can leave little to the imagination (black pair) both are very snug.
You will be good as long as you have something on. We had sheer clothes on almost everynight in our group.
I'm giggling about "a little breast exposure" from the O/P... LOL! Not at the O/P itself, mind... just the need to answer this while still keeping an excellent outlook on what can and regularly does happen on a good night. Let's put it this way... this past May, we had a WDSN evening when about 60-odd ladies had the WDSN outfits rockin' and by night's end all those shirts were completely open (they tend to get hot while dancing) and all the goodies were on show, if you will. Nobody got much more of a "thing" from security except to close up the shirt as we got off the dance floor, or got done posing for pics.
I was trying to be...civilized about it.... I know that when we get there in a few days, that'll go out the window.... > -J
remember,, TTR is famous for not being HEDO,, but pushing the limits is always fun , just dont get upset if you get spanked
I think attitude is has a lot to do with it. I've danced all night at PatyO's in pasties and seen other people asked to cover up when they're wearing more than me. Public sex isn't allowed, so they might step in if they think that's the direction you're headed. If you're getting obviously drunk, they're more likely to step in (and I applaud them for looking out for us that way.) Whether it's fair or not, if you look in control and aren't getting too handsy with people, you seem to be able to bare a little more.