Ok so anxiety is really starting to kick in. We have 10days 52 min 35seconds I promise nobody is counting. Nov 1 can get hear soon enough.
What could you possibly be anxious about? You've done some research on the forum you've packed the essentials got your outfits prepared. All you have to do now is get to the airport get to the resort and have a great time.
I'm a little anxious as well. I've got 3 days. I mean, what if they run out of booze?!? Or god forbid, what if they run out of CHAIRS! Evil laugh! Christy
My first visit was fine going but coming back I was over weight in my suitcases. Had to throw some shoes out to come back home. This was pretty bad for a guy so now I am trying to pack lightly. After all it is swimming trunks and sun tan lotion right?
It's crazy how a pack lightly becomes more. We always bring an extra suitcase that is lightly filled. We prepay for it, so it doesn't cost a small fortune at the airport/last minute. That way, we have room for the extras that we buy for family who are taking care of things while we are partying it up Ang