Since I probably would be shunned if I dressed like a school girl (lol), I thought I would ask what are some ideas for guys on some of the nights: School Girl Night Little Black Dress Night lingerie Night White Night Any and all ideas welcome, probably will gravitate toward a bit tamer- not because I care, but wife is a bit more conservative.
Um you could totally dress as a school girl and you would not get shunned at all. Actually you would end up being very popular. I actually thought about it before, but I opted to go as a 70s style gym instructor on school girl night. (Second smallest shorts I ever wore, haha) Black and White night I normally just wear normal black or white clothing. And for lingerie night, you have to wear lingerie if you want to get into the casino night part. Most dudes wear boxers, or you can get some even smaller underwear if you choose. I wore a tank top with my underwear the one year, but someone just took it off and threw it on the roof part of PatyO's.
For school girl night I have a short kilt that Blondie made for me out of flannel so it looks authentic but it isn't so hot and heavy. With it I wear some offensive t-shirt. Just remember, a real (Scots)man doesn't wear anything under his kilt.
As for lingerie night, I am wearing a pair of black mesh booty shorts that have a little "privacy panel" in the front. That's it. There are guys that just wear a g-string. Anything goes on lingerie night.
I think that depends on the posted themes your week. I have gone once and there was a uniform night and a schoolgirl night.
S&J There is no school night in H&H themes this year. However our last night is 1 Nov which is neon night for H&H but also is school night for the November group. We plan to bring outfits for both.