I may have to put a lock of the suitcases to prevent myself from going through there one more time to check and recheck and put in and take out and.....what if we need this? LMAO I am driving myself crazy!
Astronomers estimate that there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe. If you want to extrapolate those numbers, that means there are around 50,000,000,000,000,000,000 (50 quintillion) potentially habitable planets in the universe. "The idea that we are the only intelligent creatures in a cosmos of a hundred billion galaxies is so preposterous that there are very few astronomers today who would take it seriously. It is safest to assume therefore, that they are out there and to consider the manner in which this may impinge upon human society." To an objectivist, empirical view, the rules of Bayesian statistics can be justified by requirements of rationality and consistency and interpreted as an extension of logic. Using a subjectivist view, however, the state of knowledge measures a "personal belief".
Questions related to this topic, will be ignored as they may cause me a brain aneurysm...look at where I am from
Sounds like there should be at least one more TTR in the universe. Probably just as good in the price range but the flights would probably be a little steep. On the other hand there was a Klingon at TTR last Halloween.
Just make sure you bring the Tickle Trunk. We all are dying to see what is inside. Are Casey and Finnegan in there?