Lets say someone needed to text in to work sick while he was in cancun. How reliable is the cell texting service back to the US? I have sprint and havent had the need to text home before...but im starting to feel sick in 16 days. i hope its not serious!
We have Verizon and just paid for the international package. We had no issues with connectivity at all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Make sure you change your plan before you go. Or take it off data. Was with someone who had data on for three days in Mexico and got a $700 charge. Verizon knocked it down to $100 but still expensive lesson to learn.
Verizon offers a Canada and Mexico plan. For $20 you receive 1 gig of data and 100 minutes of talk. Using the phone on this plan was just like using it in the U.S. Texts were fast an phone calls were mostly instantly connected. I used the phone mostly to look up excursions. When I reached 90% of my data on the last day, I received a warning in advance that overage were $10 per 500 megabytes. I never went over and was only charged the $20.
Chris, they really were talking about cell phones, not your personal sex life. Jeeze, you always gotta share that. lol. Love you ! Ang
have Vermin as well and always add the Mexico plan. No problems at all as far as connection. Also get the WIFI package a the resort if you plan on using your phone for emails and internet searching.
Verizon Don't get me wrong, I hope to disconnect as much as I can but ya never know what can happen in life. Verizon just came up with a new thing called a"travelpass". It's is a day plan at $2 per. The beauty of this is that your 24 hrs starts when you 1st use it and it stops 23:59 later. The clock doesn't restart until the next new outbound so if you don't need it you can skip days. They said this would give me identical service to the US account. This means 900 min. unlimited both way text and 4 GB data. Now if it just works like they say? I'm taking instructions and contact info just in case. 36 hrs and I will be SFO CUN
Rogers in Canada just extended the roam like home plan to include Mexico. $10 p/day to a max of 10 days p/month.
That's nice of Rogers that equals $100 for ten days. I send a mass text to the kids upon arrival midweek and prior to departure otherwise the phone is off. And for those texts it runs less than $10. I stay off the grid when I'm there got rid of Facebook awhile back and even if I still had it I wouldn't be posting to it poolside. Snap the photos and download them later when you get home nice thing about that you get to relive your trip