
Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by kclove, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. kclove

    kclove Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Our first trip will be beginning April 24. And like other posters I am very nervous. It is my husband and I 10 year anniversary and we wanted to do something different. Me by nature I am very shy. So the toplessness makes me nervous but not offended. Please some advice. We are in our mid 30 and just want to relax from everyday stresses. So what do we wear especially for theme nights.
  2. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    ..........our suggestion would be to read through the pages on this site for the next month or two. You'll learn plenty between now and then..........and you'll be able to ask more specific questions........ I'll give you the "company line"....... listen up........"no one knows you........and no one gives a shit"............ You will figure that out over the next month ...... no worries! The only thing I can offer right now is that if you are at all open will love Temptation!
  3. Jess N Paul

    Jess N Paul I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    Just be open minded. This is my advice to the newbies we meet who are kinda "shy"....I say you can sit on this chair and just watch everyone having a good time or you can do a shot of tequila (liquid courage) and participate in making lasting memories that you will neer forget. You choose. So much better when you get on the plan to go back home and you discuss all the things you did instead of the things you wanted to do .but didn't.

    If you've ever wanted to break out of your shell...this is the place and nobody will judge you.
  4. marilyn&steve

    marilyn&steve Addict Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2007
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    My regrets in life are for the things I didn't do, never the things I did. TTR is great for your relationship, assuming it's good in the first place. Adds another dimension of spice to your life, and you look at your significant other in the way you used to; see again how sexy they are and what attracted you in the first place.
  5. suedave

    suedave I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    we went there for our 25th wedding anniversary, and we will be going back next April 10 years later, although we knew nothing about the resort when we booked, like hundreds of others, we fell in love with the place, everybody is so easy going, and don't worry at all about being topless, you will know when you arrive if and when you want to remove your top ( although we have heard from loads of women that it normally takes 10 mins ;) . at the top of the page is Steve's stickys, in a few months time the official April sticky will go up, and everyone going in April will be on there, theme night talk is usually one of the main topics, looking forward to meeting you in April. Sue & Dave.
  6. longshot18

    longshot18 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    My wife is very conservative in public, and like most women overly conscious about her body to boot.

    Before we booked, I had her read through some of the threads. Read threads from other newbies, there is a great thread about chubby chicks which addresses confidence issues, read threads with advice, there are threads about addressing nervousness, etc.

    Once she read them she went from not being sure, to ordering sexy costumes. Now, our first time is still about two months away and I suspect when we get there there will be some hesitation about letting go, but if the stuff we have read about the welcoming nature of the place is true, she has stated it will be liberating to let loose.

    Also- from what we have read, if you don't take the top off , from the vibe we think is around, there is not going to be one single person who gives a shit. It's your vacation, your body, and your choice.
  7. Kristen78

    Kristen78 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2013
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    You will see every kind of body imaginable. Big, small, perky, droopy, fake, real... Bare and covered. There is no "standard". Best part is, (and I couldn't truly understand it until I went) no one cares. It was very strange for me to experience. It's not just that no one says anything (they don't), but you can honestly feel that no one gives one iota what anyone else looks like or what you're wearing. It's like your attitude is all anyone can see. It's a truly amazing feeling. It's the most amazing experience. You can be your honest self, with no fear of judgement. No sideways glances or nasty looks. Everyone there treats a size 24 and a size 4 the same. You feel accepted & good in your own skin, what ever condition your in. I used to be stick thin, and I've gained 50 lbs in the last couple years, so when I went I was very self conscious. I brought (and planned on only wearing) a one-piece. However, I did what everyone on here said & also brought a suit I'd never consider wearing in public. I took one walk around the sexy pool, and I only ever wore that sexy bikini (and was topless in about an hour). And never once did I feel bad about how I looked. I wish the "real world" would take the mind set of TTR & just love people for who they are, not what they look like. So do yourself a favor... don't waste another second worrying about it. You are your own worst critic. Go, have a blast... Don't give it another thought. Once you get there, you will see what I mean.

  8. kclove

    kclove Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Thanks everyone. Does anyone have clarity on the renovations. Lot of people saying April on is not a good time to book. We are booked with a good deal. We do have insurance but I dont want to cancel just because of rumors. I heard the sexy pool was closed in April that wont be fun if its true.
  9. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Don't believe anything until there is official word. This has been something going on for 2+ years. Every couple of months it comes up again. Things in Mexico take forever, and nothing ever seems to happen. I think you should be completely fine for April 2016. I am going in May and I am hardly concerned at all.

    April/May are some of the busiest times of the year. Why would the initiate a reno then.
  10. 2plus4

    2plus4 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    As Lady & Tramp said read the forum do a search because at one time or another we've all been newbies and we've all had questions and wanted to have rumours dispelled. The threads for when you're going will tell you about the theme nights some are what the resort organizes and some are from the members here have organized. When you go as often as some of the people here do the themes can get a little stale so they switch it up either theme is fine. Tell your wife that it's true as Kristen78 pointed out that whether you're a size 4 or 24 no one makes a comment about what you're wearing....ok maybe there will be some questions like where did you get that cute suit or hey smoking dress but other than that I can't ever recall hearing anyone going can you believe her wearing something like that, most of the regulars frown on that. So tell her to wear the skimpiest thing she dares to wear there and from experience she's going to say I can't believe I wore this you'll be going my girls the hottest thing here, chances are there will be someone wearing something even smaller and shearer than her but if you're like me you'll still think I have the hottest girl on the resort, and that's ok cause every other guy is thinking the same thing. And yes there will be guys there with 6 pack abs and others that are not as defined anymore but that doesn't matter either. Go with an open mind and remember have fun, live the motto no one knows you no one gives a shit.
    As I've said in another, post dance like no one's watching, drink like the bar will never go dry ( trust me it won't, have seen a lot of attempts to do so all have failed) join the games you'll have a lot of fun and the whole resort will cheer on your attempt, sit back and watch the games please don't forget to cheer on those that are up there, sit and bask in the sun and enjoy one another, go to the beach, jump in the pool and meet people and when you're dancing at Paty O's don't forget to get a burger...but most of all have a great time, and I dare you to tell me that on the ride back to the airport or on the plane you're not turning to one another and saying that was F'ing awesome we gotta go back.
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