yes the new phones are awesome for picture taking, they now take good pictures compared to the old ones , :huepfen021:
That's awesome! My husband likes to sleep more then I do so I need to entertain myself while he is snoozing. My iPad keeps me busy Nikki
Thanks for all the suggestions - looks like it's a no-go. Unfortunately I'll need access to my e-mails daily for work. Nothing heavy, just so I can palm them off to the relevant people! Will have to pony up for 2 weeks resort wi-fi on the i-pad. 2 weeks and we'll be there
Man that's too bad at least where I work I can arrange ahead of time for someone to look after things until I get back which means if I go away for 2 weeks I'm off the system for 2 weeks
That's why it's called vacation . Vacation from the everyday things you do at work etc . It will be a very cold day in hell before I look at never mind answer a work related email while on vacation .
You can also go left on the beach (when facing the water) to the little bar past the pirate ship, they have free wifi if you buy a drink/snack.
Semi-funny story. We do the same thing, but the hotel does give us the one "free" WiFi (because we're members). So, we flip for which phone we use. Last February, we decided to use my phone (this is Gar btw). I connected it to the hotel's WiFi and we let everyone back home know (via Facebook) that we had safely arrived and we would be off the radar for the next week. See! We do follow the advice of disconnecting while we are there. On the last day of our trip, Lisa is out talking to all the people we've met and decides she wants to show them pictures of our family. The pictures are on Facebook or Google Cloud or some nonsense so off I go to get my phone. She's showing pictures, we're doing last minute "see ya next time" shots of tequila and having ourselves a good time! By the time our SUV comes to pick us up and take us back to the airport we're at least 3 sheets to the wind. When we arrive back in Dallas, my first thought is, "Oh my god! I've forgotten to put my phone in airplane mode!" My second thought is, "Where is my phone?" I get home and check the location of my phone and the last ping was at Temptation. I check it an hour later and it's at the airport rental car place so I figure Lisa, who was busy flashing (I mean flirting with) the driver as we went back to the airport somehow managed to drop my phone between the seats of the SUV. The airport transfer company doesn't know where it's at. Temptation doesn't know where it's at. Gar has to buy a new phone. Moral of the story: Lock your phone in the suitcase and don't take it out until you're home. Either that or don't drink the last day of your vacation. When I get in the SUV on the way back to Temptation on October 23, I'm going to check between the seats because you just never know (and I'm morbidly curious like that).