I love margaritas, Jim loves Mai Tais. Our advice would be - don't forget to eat lunch! Good thing everyone loves each other and no one gives a shit about people getting drunk and having a good time... because if you accidentally skip food and go for a liquid lunch it can literally bite you in the ass. oxox
We had a friend that hit a wall so hard day 1, unfortuantely it kept her in the room for the next 2 days. We like Tequila, so margaritas and paloma it is! Start early and finish late, but I try to pace myself so I can party well into the next morning. Now that I say this, watch and see that Ill be the first one carted off to my room too drunk to stand.. lol
I made the mistake of thinking they might run out of beer my first time there. Needless to say I gave the beer back in a very unpleasant way before the sun set on our first day. What ever you drink just remember to alternate with water. Will keep you going for as long as you want.
I start my mornings in the room with coffee, red beer, oj, and milk. For breakfast I'll have a bloody beer-bloody mary with beer added in it-plus more coffee, oj, milk, and water. Once we get to the pool, around 9 or 10, I'll alternate between water, beer, cuervo margaritas, bloody mary's, drunken monkeys, and the occasional fru fru shot. I'm always searching for that one drink that's quick and easy to make, doesn't tear up my mouth like margaritas do after 50 or so, and tastes good enough to drink copious amounts for a week! Alas, the search continues!
I like to believe I'm getting better at pacing after 5 trips! I’m sure I am improving, but reality is I never learn. I get caught up in the fun of everything and forget to pace I'm guaranteed to have 1 or 2 days every visit where I overdo it. For the majority of the trip, I have good days (pacing), a few bad days (hangover) and a few drunk ass days (shameful for me, hilarious for everyone else). Good days: • 8am: Breakfast (no alcohol) • 10am: Sexy pool or beach (no alcohol) • 1pm: Lunch, maybe a beer • 2pm: Back to sexy pool – first real drink of the day, maybe a cocktail or spirit and mixer • 3pm: 2 or 3 more drinks at the pool until the sun starts going down (around 4pm) • 4pm: If I've got dinner planned, then back to the room to get ready (no alcohol), then go for dinner and have a few glasses of wine. If I haven’t got dinner planned, then a few more drinks at sexy pool bar, quiet pool bar or Paty O before grabbing quick dinner at buffet • 7pm: Quiet time in the room to get ready for evening at Paty O • 9pm to 2am: 4 or 5 drinks at Paty O until music shuts off, then back to the room at a respectable hour. Bad days i.e. hangover (sometimes happens after drunk ass days): • 11am: Feel ill from drinking so much the day before – if I make it to breakfast at all, I can barely manage to eat anything, let alone drink more alcohol! • 12 noon: Sit on the beach or by the quiet pool feeling sorry for myself, try to drink as much water as I can stomach • 2 or 3pm: Drag myself to bed for afternoon nap, bribe the husband to bring me something to eat from the buffet, lie in room feeling sorry for myself trying to ‘sleep it off’ • 9pm: Pep talk to get my ass out of bed and go party it up at Paty O • 10pm: First drink of the day (usually something weak) • 11pm: 1 or 2 more drinks at Paty O before giving up and heading to bed when (or just before) the music shuts off. Drunk ass days: • 9am: Wake up still drunk from the night before – think it’s a great idea to head to breakfast • 10am: First real drink of the day when sexy pool bar opens • 12 noon: First shots of the day at sexy pool bar • 3pm: 4 or so more drinks at sexy pool bar until it gets dark (90% chance one or more of these will be tequila shots) • 5pm: Need to be guided back to room to get ready for dinner • 6pm: Can’t seem to stand up straight in the shower, have lost all makeup and intended clothes meant to be worn for dinner • 7pm: Given up trying to get dressed, pass out in room for 2 or 3 hours, completely miss dinner • 9pm: Woken up by Paty O music, still drunk, grab whatever I can find to wear and go dance like a loon • 12 midnight: drink all the shots • 2am: can’t understand why the husband keeps giving me glasses of water when I definitely remember asking for vodka • 4am: Devour Paty O burger, washed down with more drinks • 5 or 6am: taken back to the room when the bar staff kick us out of Paty O by spraying the hoses they use to wash the bar down at us.
Amazon sells some pills with money back guarantee that really help. Just type in hangover. It's the only way I can make it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I love Trish breakdown of her drinking days. This pretty much describes what some close friends and my wife called the three drinking phases of KING PHIF (me). 1. If I had a mild paced day of drinking, I'll become very philosophical. (I tell u what I think) 2. If slightly overdid but still can recover the next day. I start becoming in touch with my feelings. Which is very awkward for me so I usually end up crying or telling deep dark secrets . lol ( Ill tell u how I feel) 3. If I'm totally wasted way beyond normal levels. The additional drinks seem to have no effect on me. I actually gain superpowers and have flown to other universes and given aliens new technology. I'm serious guys.. ( I become superman)