I've had to amend my holiday plans, I'm now going Oct 8th - 19th Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Is there some French speaking out there? After a few drinks we are almost fluent anyway but I was just wondering...
Ici ... lol ... je parle mais pas beaucoup maintentant parce que je pas habite a montreal pour 15 ans lol
My mom is Canadian French and VERY Fluent....After talking with her on the phone, Tim can always tell because I get her accent twang but for the life of me, I can't speak it....I can't roll my tongue which is pretty key in speaking it! LOL I wishhhh I could but alas...it ain't happening! D
Holy [emoji90]! My package with my bdsm outfit came today! I promised him I'd keep it all as a surprise. But as freaked out as I am about wearing it, I'm almost equally excited! [emoji15] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk