I think most everyone is aware of the security (lack thereof) issue with ATMs in Mexico but our security dude passed this on this morning so I thought it worthy of a new thread just to remind everyone. http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/09/tracking-a-bluetooth-skimmer-gang-in-mexico/#more-32260
Great article. That's why we don't use ATM cards except in my own bank and we never use debit cards. Everything goes on a credit card or get paid in cash. T
Always Cash only for us in Mexico. CC for emergencies only. also those ATM cash skimmers are all over the U.S also. be careful
I was just coming here to post this. I try to never use an ATM down there but I'll for sure be scanning for any bluetooth coming from one if I ever do. Anyone down there now that wants to scan the one in the gift shop that kept frauding people?
Cash is King. Well, unless it's our Canadian currency then it's currently considered a 4th cousin, twice removed, banned from even stepping foot on palace grounds.
That's cause it's always either sticky from the maple syrup or crusty from poutine drippings. Who wants to handle that??
I would assume that most people coming to TTR have no problem handling poutine. See what I did there? :icon_cool: