Lots of water.......usually till about 2pm.........then it's vodka on the rocks with a BIG twist for the rest of the day/night...........with a water thrown in after every 2-3 vodkas.
I am all about the pineapple or mango juice with tequila!! I get them to use the juice from the breakfast buffet and its SOOooo good. But the tequila creeps up on you....
one hand tequila on ice....other hand orange juice.... its a 50 50 chance I make it to dinner..hahaha
Skye and Soda Water We are all about Skye and Soda water with lime. We try to avoid the sugary concoctions, unless we are talking about body shots, then anything will do!
In April, Sam just had gin on the rocks. After the second Bubba mug full of that, it became obvious that was not a good choice. Maybe gin and something else besides ice? BTW, if there's anyone that I haven't apologized to for that afternoon, consider this a group apology. At least he's funny when he's drunk!!