So you and kev keep a spot open on your dance card! Ailsha and I like to get everybody out on the dance floor!
Toy exchange sounds good too! Lets get that list going too. We are in for sure. It's our first room crawl as well and sure it's going to be a blast! Our first year was an amazing adventure the next trips were great but this is panning out to be epic I think. :aktion031:
Kevin and Alisha, we have had many a shot, and have never heard of a Cinnamon Toast Crunch shot. That sounds delicious!! Shots....shots....shots!!! [ame=""]
Lol! We would be honored to serve you your first on the 13th! Unless of course our coconspirators get to you first and in that case we can just serve you more! I think we will be easy to spot at paty Os w the "squad" that night (have to wait to find out bout that!)-sports night baby!
and does one become involved with these room crawls ......:wink3: We will be there on the 12-16th
Seek out the people going the same week as you, I thought I saw one being set up for the 16th but not sure, we don't arrive until the 26th and I know they are planning one for the 25th....we'll miss it, don't know if anyone wants to do one later...??the end of Sept. peeps have been quiet! just put a post out there that you'd like to be included I guess... D
What's the big deal? We do a room crawl every single night we're there. Not that great. Of course we're just trying to find our own room. :huh::huh: