So you're going to lose 20lbs in less than a month and then figure on gaining 10 in 14 days? This does not seem healthy.
Actually, we have the same strategy, but opposite & just half as aggressive. In prep for a week long cruise or AI vacation, try to lose 5 lbs before & gain 5 -7 during vacation, so only have to lose a few afterwards....
Everybody knows we're going to try to be in our best shape before we get there. While we are there calorie intake weight, food and drinks should be the last thought on my mind. Stress free is the way to go while there. We will worry about the rest when I get back to the gym. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
12oz How many calories are in a margarita? | How Many Calories Are in a Margarita on the Rocks? | LIVESTRONG.COM Alcoholic Drinks That Make You Fat - High Calorie Cocktails, Beer and Liquor | Calwineries A shot of tequila has about 100
My hubby is really kinda disappointed we aren't going at the same time.....He really enjoys your posts!! He thinks your hysterical and to the point! His kind of Guy!! LOL D
My beverages of choice are: white rum with sparkling water or club soda with lemon and/or lime (90 calories), or a sipping glass of Papa's Pilar with an ice water chaser (150 calories). Switched to those in January after putting down the beers in January.:mnm:
I like to stick to Vodka and water with a slice of lime. The water keeps you hydrated so less of a hangover and its low calorie.