Never pay full price when you can find the same things on Ebay for less than half!! But I DO hear ya, all these outfits add up!! LOL....But damn it's so much fun!!....ahhhh so the kids get a little less after we're gone... LMAO Saw a beautiful BSDM outfit on Wicked for well over $50 got it on Ebay for $15, but did have a $5.99 shipping but even still much cheaper than the other PLUS it fit perfectly!! Most things are free shipping....we've scored big there!! D
Theme nights can definitely get expensive if you let them. I tend to do a lot of the shopping on Amazon, Ebay or Yandy when they run a sale. I go as cheap as possible because most of the stuff will be used one time.
LOVE theme night shopping for Tina and I, we just booked for next month, I have a section in my closet for TTR wear, I had us packed 30 minutes after we booked LOL
It is so expensive buying for theme nights but I've convinced myself that each outfit is an investment for future trips to TTR and parties at home.... That's what I keep telling myself anyway
You are right Firby! Ebay is your friend! Then it doesn't break the bank....And the outfits only matter for your wife :icon_wink: You are going to love it!