Ok all you adult beverage veterans. Seems Tonya has gotten less tolerant of alcohol the last couple years for some reason. She gets hangovers more frequently. She is a bit nervous about this trip, because she doesn't want to turn down the shots as they come by, but she also doesn't want to spend a half day in bed the next day. Who knows what kind of trouble I would get in if I was all alone! Anyway, any hangover tips?
Water and ibuprofen before going to sleep! Main reason why people get a hangover is because alcohol dehydrates your body.... Have her drink water too during the day while she's drinking alcohol. Hope this helps!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, we know about the water and she usually does that and still gets them. On the other hand I usually don't drink water and don't get hangovers. It isn't fair I tell ya!
Go to the local Pharmacy and buy Pedia-Lite!!!!! That's the best kept secret!!! Drink 2-3 in the morning then it's Resurrection BLVD!!!! A hangover is nothing more than dehydration, so always make sure you eat something with bread like burgers or pizza and drink 1-3 glasses of none alcoholic drinks prior to bed and you will be golden in the morning for round 2-16!! But PediaLite is the best kept secret. It contains everything in an I.V. which your body desperately needs.