So it seems reading comprehension owns me. I misinterpreted sports/cheer night as school girl night and myself and the people going with us already bought school girl uniforms . ugh.. What do the women typically wear on that night as well as the men? This sexy 6 inch skirt I got has to be put to good use dangit. :biggrinbandit: Sunday 13th- Sport/Cheer Night
Wear your school girl outfits for sport/cheer night. After all, school girls go to the football games, don't they? The theme nights are left to very loose interpretations, bottom line, skin to win. As long as it is sexy, no one cares what you're wearing. Everyone just wants to see it on their hotel room floor at the end of the night anyway. :wink3:
skin to win.... love it! Thanks for the insight and advice. However I have to disagree with you about seeing it on the hotel room floor. I believe that's the one night it's much sexier staying on along with the high heels if you know what I mean. :wink3:
Can't wait to meet y'all, everyone we have met from Texas has always been great. For sport/cheer night on the 13th Kristin is going to be a sexy referee, and I am a hoopster. Be sure to find out what room is hosting the pre-party that night, always fun to walk into Paty'O as a group after consuming some party materials.
Just bring your pom poms and you'll be set. Oh, and about the skirt on the floor thing, if it doesn't end up there somewhere in the middle of things you might not be doing it right. LOL