FYI, Great idea for the wrist bands... We ordered some for our group and have plenty to share. So if you see a small group walking around with bands that say "NOBODY KNOWS YOU & NOBODY GIVES A SHIT" then you found us....:aktion069:
Just booked Aug 16-20 and booked the 17th Boobs Cruise Who all is going to be down. We would like to meet some friends before hand
Check out the post called "Aug 17th-24th" most of the people who posted there will be at Temptation for all or part of your stay. That's probably the easiest way to track all of us without having to read through all these posts or have each person repost their dates. Hopefully the Boobs Cruise will be conformed shortly. I think we only need 3 more people now!
13 days till we start the party. My vacation starts as soon as I step foot in the airport. So can't wait till 22nd at 4:45 a,m when we step into the airport.