I wish everyone could go to TTR for a week because of the great things it can do for your body issues! Think about it this way: You approach the sexy pool on the first day of your trip. You look around to pick the person you want to party with. Quick--choose just one: A. Slender super-model type in designer bikini reading her Kindle in a lounge chair B. Dude with six-pack abs checking out his reflection in the windows of the buffet C. Average guy with a beer gut and some scars who waves at you, smiling, saying, "Hey, we have an extra chair and some shots ready over here!" D. Three hot, super-fit young girls who are rolling their eyes and smirking at a group of older, heaivier, topless women. My bet is you chose C, right? Me too. I'm not saying the others might not be fine people if you got to know them, but a friendly attitude is always more attractive, no matter what kind of body it's attached to.
You will be judged solely on your ability to smile. Last year at DRM, I met a guy who was confined to a wheelchair with MD or a similar muscular disorder. He pulled up next to me (with his wife) at the patio the first night, and we started talking. I told them how it was our first time, and how we were nervous about being naked around a bunch of strangers. The next morning, when I saw them, I realized how ridiculous I was being. It took 3 people to get him (in his chair) out of his room and navigated down to the pool. The waitress had to bring his drink in a special cup he supplied, because his hands couldn't grasp a normal glass. His wife had to take his shirt off for him, because he couldn't lift his arms. I thought about how much of a pain in the ass it must have been for him to fly there (from Canada) and wheel around a resort full of steps. But by God, there was nothing going to stop him from having a good time. That's the day I decided to stop being so damned worrisome, and start having fun. I understand that you don't like your scars. Every person there wants to change something about themselves. But you'll soon realize that those insecurities are what fuels the party. When the 70 year old great grandma struts by in a G string and spills her Pina Colada in the pool, you'll think "Damn - she's still rocking' it." See you there.
We all have our self confidence issues, but please don't let that altar how you would otherwise act or feel. I am a breast cancer survivor. I have large scars on both my breasts, and we just returned from our 4th trip. No body knows body issues better than me, but there was no way anyone was going to stop me from having an amazing trip....and just try to put a top on me! LOL! Your life is what you make of it. Go. Have fun. Any time a negative body image thought pops up, replace it with something positive (i.e. my ass looks amazing). The moto of the resort is "No body knows you, and no body gives a shit". Take it to heart and just be yourself. That's what most of us care about. --Ginger
If anyone judges you, then they are at the wrong place! Everyone I have met on here is all about having fun and making new friends. Regardless of what you look like. These are the friendliest, most fun loving people I have ever known. You will change your mind as soon as you arrive!! Have Fun.
1. It's never too late to hit the gym 2. Welcome to Cancuncare...The most laid back, non-judgemental group of folks you'll ever meet. If you're looking for a place to not worry about how you look, this is the place. Nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit! 3. Key to self confidence is knowing that there is a LOT more to a person that what you see on the exterior. 4. No matter how "in shape" a person is, EVERYONE has things they are self conscious about. Come and enjoy yourself...Once you get on the shuttle to Temptation, leave your inhibitions at home and just enjoy!!!
I saw the described A, B, and D when I was there, except they all did the same thing as C. EVERYONE was cool, regardless of what they looked like. But to your point, C is the personality you meet most at TTR
We went 9 weeks post op in March from augmentation. She was concerned as they were still a little sore, especially in the morning. She said letting them float (or sink) in the water and letting them just breath on their own for a week was probably the best medicine for them. You paid for them with money and the pain, time to show them off for the world (or at least your closest 300 friends at TTR that week).
Oh be real.................people judge.........people judge all the time.......even at TTR! But............and it's a huge BUTT.............they really never ever press it! Do your THANG! The no one gives a shit is much more accurate! The only people that give a shit are those that somehow feel threatened by you! Remember.....it's all good.......and you are beautiful!
my favorite quote '' You can't help what you think , but you can control what comes out of your mouth''