Hi, I'm CobraChris' wife. I would love to make an apt. for body paint for Halloween. While Kermit is one sexy frog (and single again) I decided on a Gamora costume and need some upper body painting - mainly arms and face. Thanks
Apparently Mecca is SRO for Halloween....and I missed my prediction by 4 days Good work everyone 2016 it will be booked solid by June
83 days for us...and moving painfully slow!!!! Pounds are coming off...also painfully slow...lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wow you're good! I guess I'm going to have to quit inviting more friends to join us for Halloween now that it's sold out. Although with the H&H crew there we have enough people to party with anyway! Just 80 days to go. Can't wait to see you all then!!!