OMG it is no worse than spring break! I actually tell all my friends it's like spring break for middle aged people. And sweety you'll fit right in!
If you're nervous, it probably means you are excited about what could happen when you're there. Kind of like going on a first date. So many things could happen, and so many of them are fun and exciting. Based on your pics you are a bit of goofball! So you'll fit right in! Most of us who go there are pretty fun and a lot goofy.
This trip coming up August 28th is our 26 th trip to TTR. I was worried my first trip. I was topless in about two days. It is so relaxed there and it's the people that make the place. Go with a relaxed non judgemental attitude. Don't about the topliness it relaxed too. Do it if you want, don't do it if your not into it. No one will care. The sex is not in your face but what you will noticed is people branching out of the normal boring lives and having fun. Enjoy, bring sexy dresses as you will probably wear them.
Sorry I got to ask... What does "'have fun' like my husband wants" mean? We have been there 21 times and I would offer reassuring comments, but that sentence is a stopper for me.
we have been looking at coming here for our 10yr anniversary this next year. Was glad to find this forum. Not wanting an all out wild resort, but being able to be naked from time to time is a plus, and who knows what else. We look forward to looking around the forum!
The only time you can be naked in public is if it happens in the pool side games. I am sure you will have a blast regardless
To be honest, the sex related stuff rarely happens! I was worried about this too before my first trip, but it was worrying for nothing. There are people pushing their boundaries, but this is rarely in public because of the rules. In fact, I think there's more people that go and don't have a good time because they were expecting more. Basically, you have to be looking to find it. If you aren't looking, you're not going to have a problem with 'in your face' sexual activity.
We just returned from our third trip two weeks ago. We've always had a lot of fun but I would hardly call us party people because my wife rarely makes it past 11pm. If you are judging the resort based on this board, you're going to find out that the cancuncare people are the minority, but a fun, vocal minority. If the Sexy Pool gets to be too much, try the Quiet Pool. We tried it this year and it was a lot of fun in the afternoons. You'll all be fine. You'll find that your body is in no worse shape than others' and you'll find that you can be an extrovert (like me) or an introvert (like my wife) and have a lot of fun. You can take your top off or you can leave it on and nobody will care. You can participate in games or you can sit back and watch, but on the day they cut your wristband, you'll realize how much fun you had.