I don't think that is necessary true. I was a visitor or the forum for 6+ months before I ever created an account or started a thread. And that was after I was already at the resort once, and knew groups of regulars. I am a pretty regular poster now, but for a while I wasn't going to just come in hot and heavy with my opinions. I eased into it, so when I did have something to say, I hope it was respected. One reason people have to be resistant to put personal information on here is work. I know this isn't a problem for some, and it isn't a problem for me. But there was a period of time 3 years ago that I was consulting for myself. I wouldn't want to miss out on a client because their legal department did some checking and decided they didn't like my opinions and my lifestyle. So there was a time when I had to be more protective on any form of social media. I wanted to true socialize back then, and give an accurate depiction of myself, but I just couldn't. So I stayed silent and reserved. Again the internet to younger generations isn't that back and forth some older generations expect it to be. My mom signed up for facebook, commented on every single thing, and got mad and wondered why we didn't respond back to her comments and posts. I explained that facebook is no big thing to me. When I signed up for it you had to have a college email address, and at that time it was still only limited to some colleges. So to me facebook isn't the serious thing she took it as(and they way it really is used now). I used it to write drunken comments, and post funny pictures. And if she didn't like what I was doing or saying, then just unfriend me. She eventually decided it was a waste of time all together and deleted her account. I just wanted to say that as an example of how my viewpoint of that form of social media is different. And some 23 year old kid that doesn't know a world without the internet might not have the social etiquette we have. So this easy solution is to just avoid something you don't like or agree with.
I meant it might not LOOK exactly like Spring break as in body types. There are some rockin bodies at temptations but there's also quite a few "not so" rockin bodies. Be respectful and friendly to all people even those who dont have the typical SPRING BREAK body type.
I agree with you on the work may cause issues, common sense says to stay off sites like this if so. T
My concern with TTR and single guys is that single guys might not really understand that they cannot bring back a date from a club or another resort to TTR without paying a large amount of money for a day or night pass ...etc... so most single guys will have only the resort people to get friendly with... which can lead to problems .... jmho
This has been good info. Yes, both my buddy and I that are going in 2 weeks are single but we can and will have a great time with anyone. Of course as a single guy we hope that some single gals are at the resort but... I know we will have a blast regardless. :ladiesman1::lotsofmichaelfs:
I'm thinking Nikki&Ira should get a prize for being the first of the few who actually answered the question. :aktion033: Sorry for the interruption, please continue this thread. :deadhorse:
Just because you don't want to post personal information doesn't mean you should stay off boards. What baffles me is how wiling some people are to share their personal information with a group of complete strangers. Aside from work, the Internet is full of predators looking to pray on easy victims and some people just hand it over. Each piece of information provided gets them 1 step closer . You would never see people posting a sign in the freeway with all their personal information yet when they are behind a keyboard they feel "safe" I highly recommend people really thinking. About what information they are providing about themselves before putting it on the net. Remember once posted on the Internet it is there forever