not much of a college crowd, a lot of senior citizens in wheelchairs that go to bed really early. Oasis Cancun has a great college crowd I heard
Only because we have more experience!! Lmao!!!! Funny story, I had never heard of MILF, until we dropped off our daughter for her freshman year of college....and when moving her in and visiting throughout the year and moving her out I heard it a few times in whispers and comments....I had asked her what it meant....she laughed and after some urging she told me.....I was mortified!! Then flattered!! LOL.....So NOW jump to twelve yrs later.....To be considered a GILF would be an honor!! LOL D
There is definitely more of an older crowd, however, my husband and I are late 20s and this year will be our 4th trip! We love it, and we find that the older crew can party harder than we can. You will find some younger crowds there though. And just to give you a warning... You're gonna get some anti-single dude comments on this post. Just ignore them. Go and have a good time. One bit of advice though, be respectful to the married ladies
Simple question, simple answer. Made four trips. Crowd mostly 40s-50s with a few 20s and 30s and the outlier 60s. I do not care about "you're as young as you feel" comments inevitably forthcoming because you did not ask that.
I am in my 60's and if U are respectful and courteous, I will not hold your youth against U....just saying...:musik026:
When we first visited we were in our late twenties, but we are a couple. Personally have not seen any groups of males on both our visits. Mainly couples and the odd single guy or girl. But I guess it depends on the week as well?