So we're planning on bringing a inflatable beer pong table for the pool.. we could fill cups with water and just sip from your own cups if your losing.. Any one interested to play?. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Seems like every trip someone brings one and it always is well used. Great idea. Bring it! One of the unique and awesome things about TTR is a lot of people bring things to make the party better (beer pong, aiwc, Jell-O shots, fireball, etc).
funny, I was going to post the same thing - we'll bring ours too and we can get a tournament going...or something. The table also doubles as a floating raft for up to four adults, contrary to the warnings on the box.
Ha, OK, that makes WAY more sense. We get in on the morning of the 27th, so we should have a day or two to hang out!