Not as much as I miss you! I promise! Why don't you come for Halloween?! P.S. I could have sworn that when I asked if you were the innocent looking couple with the white dress you denied that was you? Were you being coy or did I misunderstand?
i've done many, many mid Septembers, this will be my first late September. I did do Labor Day 2012, Were you there then?
I think we overlap two days. PS I'll need somewhere to store my luggage on the 28th :icon_cool::wink3: PPS Sorry so many posts peeps. hope you enjoyed your unspicy month off lol
Steve and Chinos will be gone from the 24th on. :banghead: Cruise will still run with Sara and Omar I think but I'm hoping they'll do one on the 23rd so we can see them. I wonder if they will, since it'll be they're last night before their own vacations? On the other hand, the 23rd will be after my arrival night/first night curse. Wouldn't want to oversleep. Might need a morning nudge. :wink3:
Come be my roommate late Septembro. I'm a great roommie, I spend very little time in the room. :icon_wink:
OMG- Saturday I was selling wine (that's my fun job) at an outdoor festival. Real temp. was high 90's with 96% humidity (true story) and heat index of 110 and we're on black asphalt. The wine bottles are literally exploding from the heat. You get the picture. So, I'm a hot, drippy mess and must change out of my t-shirt into a sleeveless top cuz it's so hot. So I go into the cramped port o potty oven and am trying my best to pull my tight, white, skimpy top over my hot, sweaty body and with my short arms and full size chest I thought, really is this how it ends, baking to death in a port o potty. I had to crack the door every few seconds to keep from suffocating. Oh, to have been able to simply change in public (actually something I'd NEVER do in the US) but the juxtoposition in my brain was ironic, don't you think...
Which is which? I'm an actor as well. But how does one wear a costume as an actor, LOL, we're always wearing the garb of another! There was a five year period where if you count a scene wearing a robe I went a 5 year period never fully dressed in a play. and that was BEFORE I became Spicy!!!
Thank goodness I've been a bad girl this year! (Allegedly.) mixed up with the Spicy Temptation Style, yeah I see what they did there... :wink3: seriously though, this will be the first Independence day I've missed in years. But who remembers last year's mariachi fiasco that went on and on... Yeah, that was some kind of multi-quote mishap, I was trying to ask your dates and when the Scots would be in Chicago and somehow it got merged, LOL. Looking forward to meeting you as well.