I second that.. the swan this year was a pain in the ass! I was soo happy when someone blew it up one night.. need to buy that person a drink or 5! Most of the time they float around empty as they bang into people who push them away only to bang into someone else who pushes it away to bang.. well you get the picture.. sometimes they have people on them that are clueless about how much everyone else would like to poke a hole in their float... Make friends and leave them at home. Please! Now the beer pong inflatable table is different.. it's either in use in one spot in the pool or on the side.. never seen one just floating aimlessly around. Jamie
Sounds like a game for the entertainment staff to adopt on the regular activity schedule :icon_cool::biggrinbandit:
Floating things in the pool and the people on them can be annoying when the pool is crowded because you have no control or concern bouncing into other people but its pretty funny when float victims turn floats over and dunk the unsuspecting floatee so I have mixed feeling on this. Probably the cool thing is to go float in the quiet pool where you won't bother anybody. Another stupid selfish idea is tossing a Frisbee or football in the crowded sexy pool, wow, these people are so stupid what they really need is to be smacked across the cheeks repeatedly with a loaded banana hammock.
Now, hold it right there. On our first trip to Temptation, we witnessed a group of topless women playing catch with a Nerf football in the Sexy Pool. Jumping to throw. Jumping to catch. It was stunning. Revelatory. There may as well have been a choir of angels singing. A few of us decided right then and there that we never wanted to spend any more time in any other pool anywhere else in the world. Ever.
It sounds like these rebellious young women needed to be spanked and or administered the treatment recommended above! :bj: ( I can't find a spanking smiley)