If we are sitting in lounge chairs, poolside, please don't stand inches in front of us introducing yourself and visiting if you are wearing a banana hammock. Loli and I are a super friendly and all but your plum smuggler hovering inches from my face makes me feel funny things all inside. So my tip is if you must wear a weiner sling please recognize the concept of personal space :bj:
Oh Yeah Another Travel Tip ... Before you leave for vacation, shave the Ballzoid area with a sharp, fresh razor and take your time or else the bulge in your swimshorts could be all gauze and tape and that's always a bad first impression. Your wife will be proud of you and other peoples wives (OPW) seem to like it too.
These are some awesome tips and I thank you for all of them....Our tip we've learned is to tie a brightly colored ribbon to your luggage so you can spot it quickly in baggage claim. We've been in a situation where someone else had the same luggage as us and I was SO Glad ours had the ribbons!! D
Ours is, you are on vacation, don't sweat the little shit during travel. Save your energy for the resort.
Besides the fact if you are dehydrated your urine is darker and therefore it will be seen as a yellow haze around you!!! LOL plus it's just gross!! D
Traveling could be exciting or frustrating depending on traveling journey you've experienced. However, if you are fully prepared for your traveling, then everything should be more enjoyable.
Ok so here is our tip. We were last at TTR June 29-July 6. Everything went flawless, USA got us to the airport with some time to spare. Boarding passes and off through security. As I go to throw my phone and car keys into my bag I realize. FUCK!!!!! I left them in the safe at the resort. After a cab ride to and back I had about 15 minutes to spare. Check the safe, if you think you already did check again and just for good measure check it to make sure. It sucks walking back into TTR when you are not checking-in.
sorry if this has been mentioned but was just reading the thread about what to pack and wear and thought of this.....check the seats in embarcadero before you sit down! as despite the fact its not allowed people still come in in wet swimwear and make the seats soaking wet...youll like a complete prick leaving with a bit wet patch on your shorts!! also i actually noticed that they stopped a girl going into margharitas in the evening for wearing what can only be described as a fishing net:flash: