Since we are TTR virgins, we need advice on theme nights while also balancing romantic dinners. Traditionally, we are all about creativity and stepping it up but we also want the romantic dinner feeling too. How do you balance the two? When do theme nights really get cranking? Or do we need to plan for an early dinner in order to dress for theme nights? Yes, we hope to have dinner dates during the week but as we pack, should we pack attire for every evening dinner and also the theme night? As you can read, we need serious help! :liebe011: :lotsofmichaelfs: :lotsofmichaelfs: :3some:
Every night is a bit different...........I think lingerie Night starts at 8:30.............different events in Nice Shoes may have a given starting time...............but. 10 or 11pm start to the fun isn't unusual. Depending on the day......we may leave the pool at 5ish......nap for a bit......dress for dinner ...then go get eats.........back to the room for play time.......then dress and Patty O's by 11ish. Kinda depends on what your group wants to do .............and what was happening at the pool between 4-6! Do not ignore the pool in the late afternoons or you'll miss lots of fun..........IOO...
A lot of people dress up (generally in a sexy way) for romantic dinners and then go back and change for theme night. It can be a challenge if you make reservations for dinner at the Italian or Asian. If you make it too early, the sexy pool can be a crazy fun time and you hate to break away from that. The Italian, especially, tends to be a bit slow, so if there's something you for sure want to do at a certain time, I'd suggest you allow 2 hours for dinner at the Italian, though it may turn out to be a bit shorter. Best advice on theme night outfits; just relax and see what happens with dinner and the group of people you're hanging out with. The resort isn't that big so you can always run back to the room and change.
Great question Will, thanks!! And Thanks for the tips ladies as I was wondering about this as well!! D