Hi! We are Newbies! We are going to Temptations November 12-20th. Also it's our first time in Cancun. This is a special celebration for Jason's birthday. Hoping to make it one he will never forget
We will be into November for a few days.. Jim & Sandra --- Second Trip Oct 28 ~ Nov2 / 2015 --- Hotties and Hellraisers -- Halloween!!! First Trip to TTR - May 7 ~ 11 / 2015
Warmth before hard winter November 18th to December 2....Our 9th trip to TTR! Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Joining the Sinaholic party on the 18th and continuing through Thanksgiving until the 2nd of December! For us, theme nights tend to release all of our inhibitions (if we have any to start with):lotsofmichaelfs: