I had to google what the Wonder Twins was...not inspiring my confidence knowing they are brother and sister lol. I'm thinking more of villians and heroes in popular fiction, so maybe not comic books but more on the lines of films, books and in the media??
Thanks Christa for posting the calendar right up top! Our dates are Nov. 27--Dec. 5th. I've still a few outfits to figure out. Welcome sexytxcouple and travelforme! This is an awesome and very welcoming group, so stick with us and you'll have a blast! Trish, since when do you take the theme nights so literally? What are superheroes without villains to fight? Coming up with your own superhero is an awesome way to go, too. How about Captain Obvious, and Major Catastrophe? (Damn, wish I'd thought of those earlier.) As for costuming, a plain solid colored dress or tank top and shorts with tights with and cape will get the message across. Hell, you could go simple and just wear a superhero or villain tee shirt and call it done! It's what YOU feel like rocking.
Yeah, gonna have to put some thought into the superhero outfit. I want something eye catching (I am an attention whore after all) but I have to be able to wear it all night. I liked my Poison Ivy from last year, but the wig nearly killed me.
I have my outfit! Villian it is - tired of being the nice one anyway. All I needed was a little inspiration and time to think.
Nov 26 to Dec 5...looking forward to it while not trying to wish the nice weather away. I love the crewe and hate coming home to the weather. I promise my brother is quieter than me...