16 more days till sexy pool time!!! Can't wait! July 17-24th here we come!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I Spy with My Little Eye... For those who will be there during our stay (July 14th-18th)—any tips on how to spot each other at the pool? :icon_question: Last year, as newbies, I mistakenly thought I would be able to pick our CC friends out just by their photos. Funny thing is, everyone looks completely different when you are in the pool, wet and covered in hats, sunglasses, scarves, etc!!! :icon_confused: So if anyone has any other ideas on easy ways to find you, let me know! I will be the Wonder Woman with the cowgirl hat on! Jason will be the one looking for some article of clothing or, worse, his Bubba Mug that he will have lost within our first hour there! :lotsofmichaelfs: