We are booked and ready to meet everyone who wants to enjoy this week.... We all say YES to Pool Parties, Nightlife, Etc.... We would love to meet like minded Swingers who are ready to make that connection..... Its not all about Swinging... Its about making memories with great people... Make that connection and let the week unfold.... We are new to this site... Help us out, post, email, connect with us... Meet & Greet by the pool Daily... Any ideas on wristbands, id markers of any kind... We would like to have a walking poker run, scavenger hunt, coco bongo night, Any other ideas ???? Trying to post a pic of us, I dont know how yet... Help
Same dates as us! Welcome to CancunCare we're newbies too. Still finding out how this site works, but its not so bad after a few weeks! First off to add an Avatar for your posts: After logging in... 1) Click on "User CP" 2) Under "Settings and Options" Select "Edit Avatar" 3) Then select "Use Custom Avatar" and upload a pic with "Choose File" If you choose to add a photo album you can click on "Pictures and Albums" in the User Control Panel as well. After that, make sure you make posts about how saving seats suck, especially custom Tee shirts :wink3:. Finish every post with "see you at the sexy pool" or a drink reference. There, you know the rules See ya at the Sexy Pool!
No one said that people who saved seats sucks. Sorry if you've felt that way. That thread was just the most popular and a lot of people posted there. So a lot of newbies started reading this forum from that thread.
LOL! Glad you get my sense of Humor :aktion070: Just razz'n the peeps that post the most. Exactly my point! Where is that thread at? We need to bump it... :deadhorse: Back on topic of this thread, we're considering a Coco Bongo's night. Don't know how the scavenger hunt would work, can you explain?
I am a newbie, so have no idea.... But I am also interested in this. So will just sit in the corner and listen