I did scroll roll calls, but I was seeing only couples around the end of August and 1st of September...Maybe I am not looking in the right place...IM a Newbie...lol...Does it show?
One thing I have gathered from reading several posts, is that single males seem to have a unfavorable stigma attached to them at this resort. I assume this is because of other singles males past behaviors and rudeness. I want to assure everyone that I am just a friendly guy from the south who never met a stranger, but other than that I am very polite and respectful. I love to party and have a good time and would love to party with you all, share some laughs and good natured fun. I would not be coming alone in the first place, but I now find myself single because my beautiful wife was taken from me well before her time. I look forward to a good and relaxing fun party atmosphere with you...Cheers....Lee
Akycat!! Yes..you are correct about single guys at resort. Several groups of single guys in the past have put a VERY bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths at the resort. But if you show respect then you will be fine and have the chance to meet some new friends! :aktion033::aktion033::aktion033:
I travel as a single to TTR frequently. As others have stated as long as you are respectful and friendly you can have a great time.
Thank you for the encouraging words. I think once people meet me and interact with me they will see me for whom I am and not one of the tasteless singles they have encountered in the past.
I think you'll do fine!! You have a good mindset!! One way to fit in or get the ball rolling is play one or two of the games at the Sexy Pool!! :aktion033::aktion033::aktion033::aktion033::aktion033: Mr Temptation...Beering Contest! I did one of the couples games while there one year! Asked one of the girls in the crowd to join me! It was a BLAST!!!! :mnm::mnm:
Me and couple of guys will be there July 17-20 Short trip, but looking forward to meeting new people,party and relax at the same time.
how ever shall we tantalize these adorable single guys into switching to sept ... sept 16-23 specifically... :ladiesman1: