As we are newbies....we are wondering about The room keys, we assume are credit card style, so with barely Nothing On all day, where do you keep them??? Do they have the option to be put on a lanyard or ?? It's not like we can stuff it in our suits?? On past cruises we've taken, they come on lanyards. sounds like a stupid question but just wondering what everyone does!! Thanks for the responses! D
LMAO.....that's what hubby But I told him doing that wearing his thong may look a bit stupid!!! :flash:
We haven't been to TTR yet, but at Hedo last year we hid our key outside the door so we wouldn't get too drunk and loose it. Plus if you walked all the way back to the room and realized that you didn't have the key, it was right there. Not sure of hiding places at TTR though.
For the most part the key cards are waterproof, so LadynTramp is not too far off when they say to stick it your butt crack. But I really like FranKels idea now, there are so many planters to put your key in around the rooms. Even if someone found it, they would have to check every room, just put it somewhere discreet, I like it. BTW, when we checked out this past May I turned in 6 key cards, the lady asked us what happened, I just said muy baracho.
At DRM, theme nights were challenging due to "complex" outfits In the back of the briefs is one option, but one night I had to put the card in the bottom of my sandal. I'm not saying why. Another couple that we met brought along a hole punch, and punched the card to clip it to a lanyard that he always wore. That seems like a pain, though. Cards aren't numbered, so if someone would find yours, they'd have to try every door. I don't think you have to even consider someone trying to break into your room. No one can walk in off the street and try to get in the rooms like a normal hotel. You only have to worry about the guests there, and they have much better things to do than try to steal your iPhone charger.
3rd trip We will be back for trip #3 in Nov. I bought us a couple clear plastic flat pouches that were on lanyards on Amazon for a few bucks, they seal, so they're mostly water proof, however, we found that after a few drinks you start to have issues getting it completely sealed, so I don't recommend putting anything in there that can't get wet. They zip lock & then also snap closed, so they're very secure - stuff can't fall out. They are great because you don't even have to open them to get into the room. The locks aren't the kind you swipe thru like a credit card, but the type where you just wave the card against the lock, so if you keep it strip out, you just wave the whole pouch against the lock - sooo convenient. Example: Money & ID Holder (Water resistant) - Women's 28 Inch Lanyard: Sports & Outdoors I kept my key & tip $ in it, around my neck at all times. Worked great! Have fun!:icon_cool:
Never had a problem finding as place for the key while at the pool as we either had a pool bag or a pocket in my shorts. We had more difficulty on the theme night with skimpy costumes. We would just hide the key outside our room on a high ledge or something.