sickness I just got back on 9 June and the second day got a sore throat followed a couple days later by bumps on my hands, tongue and bottom of my feet. Went across the street to the pharmacy doctor versus spending a 100 dollars for the resort doctor and the pharmacy doctor said it was head mouth and foot disease gave me some meds and the pain went away within about 3 hours and after a couple of days the bumps pretty much went away too. The girl didn't get sick though so I'm pretty sure it was just some rare isolated case. I'm sure I probably touched something stupid somewhere along the way. The bright side we still had a great time and meet amazing people.
When I was there in May, both my self and a Friend had diarrhea, I know from using the bathroom (toilets don't always flush very, well but in this case you needed to double flush) a lot of other ladies were having the same problem . My husband had to go to the drugstore across the street to get a prescription for me because it was that bad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My husband travels a lot as part of his job, and has had the habit of never brushing his teeth with the tap water , i try to to this my self , but just out of habit I use the tap water... He is convinced this is what makes people sick .. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All of the resort water comes out of the same filtered system if you ever have a drink with ice then you're susceptible. I'm actually betting more on the pool water and just bad luck. Won't stop us from returning, just going to make sure we're more pro-active with meds next trip.