Temptations' virgins here and new to Cancuncare. Will Temptation's allow you to combine promo deals? We plan on booking with Temptation's starting 09/26/15 using the FALL promo 4th night free deal and stay until the end of September. Will they allow us to use then Oktoberfest promo 4th night free deal for the remaining 5 days in October we would like to stay for, 10/1 to 10/5?
I wouldn't see why not...probably have to book it as 2 separate reservations though...then when you check-in just explain the situation. Worst case I can think is they'd make you check-out and back in again (but hopefully staying in the same room)...
Book them separately. In advance check in mention you have to reservations and want the same room for both. When checking in live remind them again. We have done it in the past. Works out fine.
I've done it as well. As I recall they made us "check out" and "check in", which actually meant that we had to go to the front desk and get new room keys. As long as you tell them when you check in, they won't even make you move rooms.
I have never, ever seen the price of booking via their website be even close to the great prices you can get via Orbitz/Cheaptickets, especially if you are going to book airfare too.
Me neither, you should shop around before booking directly through Temptation, check Orbitz, cheaptickets and Alpharooms. Alpharooms you need to book air seperately
The best deal we have found so far is booking directly with Temptation's using the FALL and Oktoberfest 4th night free deal with out air fare. We have checked several of the above mention searches and others too and booking directly with Temptation's came out the best every time for just the room. We would use Southwest for airfare because of the 2 checked bags for free and have great flight times and cheaper pricing from our area. If we can book back to back FALL and Oktoberfest 4th night free deals the only extra charge is for the room. Southwest has the same airfare prices leaving Sunday 10/03/15 or Tuesday 10/06/15. 10 nights vs 7 sounds like a great way to break in new Temptation's virgins. LOL. Thanks for all the reply's keep them cumin.
Yeah, the deal directly through the hotel for late summer/fall really is hard to beat. If you stay 4 (or 8/12/etc.) nights it works out to about $148/night.