Amy, DO NOT let that Trav try to break his previous record from two years ago. It was not pretty and he doesn't need a repeat performance. Melissa
Lol! El Travo! I know this is a rookie question but there IS a hurricane in Mexico right now, Kyle! Cut me some slack! STILL WAITING on your TR by the way!
I started. Will post a part 1 on the Desire thread on here later today. And try to have the rest by the time you leave friday Going to be shorter than usual as there are not many people on the Desire side on here and there is a lot i probably shouldn't talk about lol
We just got back and had a similar concern after looking at the forecast. We had mostly sunny days with warm days and little wind. It cooled off nicely at night and only sprinkled one night at Patty-O's which was kinda sexy. Have a blast!!!