Marshe, are you currently just over the water from us then? If you party loud enough, we may just hear you! If you wanna make a stop off in Wales, you are welcome to stay with us! Any of you are! :aktion069:
Just a question....'Mexican Fiesta'...?? What is this? How do we dress? Lol Hot Batucade Party?? Again, what, how?? lol
Those are the hotel themes listed on their website. We can plug in our own themes on the Mexican fiesta and hot batucade nights.
We were aiming for the 28th for the crawl and the 30th For the the whiskey/bourbon/scotch tasting. I left these off the theme list until you and I could chat
Just spent the afternoon at Jameson's Factory in Cork. A lot of sampling! Tullamore Dew factory on Monday.....more free samples Maybe I'd had suggested Irish Whiskey as a option back when, had I known how smooth it is.