Er, I'm wondering why you think they put chlorine in the water if it's not to kill bacteria, which is exactly what it's purpose is. It does not however get rid of the oils from sunscreen etc. which is what you probably see on the surface, the filters take care of that overnight. If there was a problem with the water there would be a lot more sick people.
Correct they do put chlorine in the water to kill bacteria . However if you understand pool chemistry you will know that the more people in the pool and the more exposure the pool gets to the sun the quicker the chlorine level in the water is lost . Fill ur hat play in the sexy pool all day every day if it's your thing but there's not a snowballs chance in hell you will get me in it , especially after noon when all the heavy drinkers bladders are bursting !!!
Source 7 Disgusting Facts About Dirty Public Swimming Pools A few exerpts sorrry 1. Feces According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average swimmer contributes at least 0.14 grams of fecal matter to pool water — usually within the first 15 minutes of entering. And, a CDC report of routine pool inspections released in 2010 found that nearly one in eight pools posed serious violations that threatened public health, which resulted in those pools being closed immediately. 4. Cryptosporidium ("Crypto") Cryptosporidium — or Crypto, for short — is a parasite that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis. Protected by an outer shell that allows the parasite to survive for up to 10 days even in chlorine-treated water, this means that even well-maintained pools can spread Crypto among swimmers. Crypto has become the leading cause of swimming pool-related outbreaks of diarrheal illness. From 2004 to 2008, according to the CDC, reported Crypto cases increased by over 200 percent. Fortunately, by following good hygiene at water parks and public pools, you can help prevent Crypto. just a few from a medical posting The Ocean looks nice about now
I'm a newbie to TTR (planning trip next June) ... I've been to a few swim up bars where u drink the day away ... I have always managed to get out of the pool to stumble "oh so gracefully" to the bathroom to pee ... on one very not-so-proud moment, it was the nearest bush ... LOL ... but at least it wasn't in the pool! Let's try to lead by example and ALL stumble our ways to the bathrooms to pee! LMAO! [emoji106]
Now I know you are all going to say it's no big deal urine is sterile you can actually drink it etc etc and you are correct but here's the question .....did Cleopatra take a bath in asses milk or asses urine ?
We have some friends who are coming to TTR for the first time with us in the fall and we've been telling them to come here to meet people and share in the excitement and then I read posts like this and just have to facepalm and move on.
I bet anything it's cleaner than most if not all lakes and rivers we have all been in at some point, and Prob a lot of beaches...Ipanema Beach in Rio has been labeled a hazard for decades...bottom line, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger! See you in the pool on Friday around 1 o'clock! :flash: Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
We have walked past the sexy pool late at night. The we're putting literally several five gallon buckets of chemicals in it. We witnessed this on more than one night.