Yes me too. we are getting hit pretty hard in Houston right now. Floods everywhere..... need to get AWAY!
Just watched it "tick down" to 19 days....hrs, ....min. Can't believe it's that close, looking forward to 5 crazy days!
June 1st we are in the month! 16 days and very excited for a vacation! We got together with Mike and Ang. and M & M on Saturday night to have a few drinks and discuss the trip. I am pretty certain this is going to be a good one. Probably will do a lot of beach time in the day but.........The Freaks Come Out at Night!
Oh I fried in a tanning bed today. Gotta get the white ass tanned up some. I would have to blind anyone in the even my shorts come off
June 18th to June 24th.....So looking forward to drinking, relaxing in the sun, hitting the gym, meeting new friends, observing unique people getting sh!tfaced, and smiling at the unexpected. See yall in a sec.
In two weeks we will be in Cancun, and on our way to TTR at this time! Holl Crap, I cant believe it's only 2 weeks away! :biggrinbandit:
We can't believe that we are only 2 weeks away either. Can't wait for all the fun and craziness to begin. :daveandmo: