Drinking like fish , partying your asses off and eating strange food drinking strange water etc etc etc are all likely to run down your immune system . Put that together with being in a different country away from your hermetically sealed sterile bubble environment that everyone seems to demand at home doesn't help . If everyone stops sterilizing everything they touch and stopped filling their bodies with anti biotics etc then there immune systems would toughen up and we wouldn't be such wimps when it comes to a little germ or two .
Yes , I think the Lysol did help this time for us,, the room was full of black mold, so I sprayed the crap out of it
I had gotten sick each and every one of my 5 TTR visits. ( Bad sinus and chest infection that lasted for weeks) I used Lysol this year. No problems this year.
I don't know if that's sound medical advice, but it reminds me of this great George Carlin bit: [ame="https://youtu.be/X29lF43mUlo?t=36s"]https://youtu.be/X29lF43mUlo?t=36s
We start taking airborne a month before we leave, and just take precautions while we are there. Hand sanitizer, antiseptic wipes and lysol are a must for us now.My best friend is a doctor, I got really sick my first time to TTR, he told me it was most likely contracted on the fight down. He also has me use saline nose drops as the air on the plane is so dry and can cause sinus infections. He also said treating the room with lysol and wiping things down are just an added layer of protection. After spending 7 days in the hospital when we returned last August we did all the above mentioned in November and felt great before during and after. We will be taking the same precautions when we return this July. Might be a little overboard, but I have no Desire to spend more time in the hospital when we come home from TTR than I did while at TTR.
It's Mexico... now I want whatever the staff take...since they seem to be there every frigging day without a miss! I think I will ask next time ... lol
I actually wasn't feeling well on the Boobs Cruise last week (barely was drinking any alcohol)...Chinos saw me during lunch and could tell I wasn't feeling good. He gave me something that he takes down there for when his stomach isn't quite right...I made sure to get a pic of the package for next time. They've since been dubbed - "Chinos Magic Beans" lol...
On our February trip, both of us got the bad cough, congestion and it took 3 weeks after getting home to finally shake it. We went last week of May (last week). I drank Emergen C+ every morning and evening. I also used vitamin B12 drops. Every morning, in the evening getting ready for dinner, and at night as we headed to PatyO's I sprayed Lysol in the return vent. I sprayed the drapes as well as the screen to the Jacuzzi patio with Lysol. We wiped down the room each day with disinfectant wipes. This trip, no cough and no issues. Heard of a few with stomach issues, but about what you would expect with that many people and travel, alcohol, and lack of sleep being in the mix.
Brought a huge can of lysol this time and I think it made a difference. Removed the intake panel and doused it all hardcore. It was probably the best trip for clear lungs this last time too. I think there is something to that for sure.